A large number of artistic celebrities reacted to US President Joe Biden’s announcement of his withdrawal from the electoral race, leaving the opportunity for his deputy Kamala Harris to run for president in the elections scheduled for next November 5.
Many stars expressed their support for this decision through their accounts on social media platforms, emphasizing their appreciation for Biden’s achievements and support for Harris’ nomination.
Mark Hamill, star of the Star Wars series, said Biden has a “record of accomplishment unmatched by any president in our lifetime,” praising the president’s honesty and integrity after a period of chaos.
He added on the “X” platform: “Thank you for your service, Mr. President. We must now elect a Democrat who will respect your legacy.”
As for singer and actress Barbara Streisand, she noted that Biden “achieved great achievements during his four-year term,” and called for gratitude for his support for democracy.
Director Jon Favreau described Biden as “courageous and selfless,” noting that the president listened to the people and put the country’s interest first, unlike Donald Trump.
For her part, actress Octavia Spencer thanked Biden for his service to the country via “Instagram” and said: “You can retire knowing that your voters have tremendous affection for you,” and called on Democrats to join hands.
Producer Finneas, brother of singer Billie Eilish, expressed his great respect for Biden, saying: “I see someone who puts people before himself.” For his part, talk show host Jon Stewart commented on the withdrawal with one word on “X”: “Legend.”
Director Spike Lee posted a comment on Instagram in which he said: “Once again, Sista comes to the rescue,” referring to Harris.
George Clooney wrote an article in the New York Times in which he asserted that the Democrats could not win against Trump with the presence of Biden. Trump commented on Clooney, saying that he “should return to television,” referring to the previous debate between him and Biden, which was described as disastrous for the president.