Sun. Mar 16th, 2025

The UN Security Council is preparing to vote on extending the mission of Operation IRINI to inspect ships off the coast of Libya in May.

The decision comes amid growing suspicions of violating the arms embargo on the country.

According to the “Council Security Report”, the current mandate for Operation “IRINI” will expire on June 2.

The ICC prosecutor, Karim Khan, is scheduled to give a semi-annual briefing to the Security Council, where he will provide an update on the court’s activities related to Libya.

Since its inception on March 31, 2020, “IRINI” has set several missions, foremost of which is to combat the illicit arms trade by supporting the implementation of the embargo imposed on Libya on the basis of United Nations Security Council resolutions, collecting information on oil smuggling, and contributing to disrupting the migrant smuggling business model.

The participation of EU countries was below the level for which the operation was launched, and they did not send enough equipment to be able to carry out the mission in a large scale.



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