Thu. Oct 24th, 2024

Morocco advanced in the Global Peace Index for 2024, rising 14 places to rank 78th globally, and sixth in the Middle East and North Africa region.

This classification is issued by the Institute of Economics and Peace, based on a set of sub-indicators such as the level of crime, the number of detainees, security personnel, and defense spending.

Iceland, Ireland, and Austria topped the top three places, respectively, while Yemen, Sudan, South Sudan, Afghanistan, and Ukraine topped the list after being classified in the red zones.

At the Arab level, Kuwait came in 25th place globally and first in the Arab world, followed by Qatar (29), the Sultanate of Oman (37), the United Arab Emirates (53), Tunisia (74), Algeria (90), and Libya (128).

The Palestinian territories ranked 145th and Israel ranked 155th, which places them in the red zone.

The Institute for Economics and Peace indicated that the Middle East and North Africa region remains the least peaceful in the world for the ninth year in a row, recording a deterioration in calm and the number of deaths resulting from internal and external conflicts, driven by conflicts in Gaza and Sudan and an increase in regional unrest.

The institute said that the economic impact of violence in the world during the past year amounted to more than $19 trillion, equivalent to 13.5 percent of the global gross domestic product.

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