Mon. Jul 8th, 2024

More than 50 migrants died while about 200 others were rescued in a tragic incident that occurred on the border between Niger and Libya.

The incident took place in the region known as Agadez, a dangerous crossing point for migrants seeking to reach Europe through the barren desert. The situation was exacerbated for migrants due to the harsh desert conditions in the region, water scarcity, and extremely high temperatures.

Humanitarian teams found the bodies of the deceased scattered in the desert, while another group who had been abandoned by human smugglers was rescued.

Humanitarian organizations called on concerned countries to intensify border control efforts and combat human smuggling networks, calling for more humanitarian support to migrants stranded under these harsh conditions.

According to statistics from the International Organization for Migration, more than 2,000 deaths of migrants in the Sahara have been documented since 2014, including 149 deaths since the beginning of 2022. Estimates indicate that the actual numbers are much higher, as many deaths are not documented.

Rescue of 55 migrants off the coast of Libya

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