Sat. Sep 7th, 2024

The head of the National Human Rights Commission in Libya, Ahmed Hamza, stated that the statistics of the outgoing National Unity Government regarding the rise in suicide cases reflect a worrying escalation of this phenomenon in the country.

Hamza’s statements came after a statistic conducted by the Ministry of the Interior of the Unity Government, ending the term under the rule of Abdul Hamid Al-Dbeibeh.

Hamza pointed out, in statements to France 24, that this phenomenon is noticeably worsening, while the relevant authorities remain unconcerned and are not taking serious steps to address it, despite its clarity on the ground and its noticeable increase in recent years.

Hamza said: “A strategy must be developed to address this phenomenon and its causes, but this seems difficult in light of the silence of the authorities, who are content with issuing some statements and holding workshops.”

Hamza explained that the causes of suicide in Libya range from psychological stress, depression, and victims of social violence, bullying, torture, and various human rights violations.

Hamza added that this phenomenon is alien to Libyan society and reveals the extent of the accumulated effects on citizens as a result of wars and conflicts, in addition to the failure to address the consequences of these crises.

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