The southwestern German Broadcasting Corporation (SWR) has suspended Syrian-born presenter Helen Fares for calling for a boycott of Israeli products.
According to a statement issued by the authority, Fares “violated the principle of neutrality” by participating in an application to boycott Israeli products on her social media account.
“Journalists may certainly have a political point of view, but the independence of the Radio and Television Corporation in southwestern Germany should not be compromised or questioned through their social media activities, and the organization believes that this principle has been violated in this particular case,” the statement said.
The suspension comes after Fares posted a video on Instagram in which she talked about the “No Shukran” app, through which products made in Israel or associated with it can be identified in one way or another.
After her suspension, Fares said: “The German media is trying to silence all voices that speak on behalf of Palestine, and that’s why we need to speak more and louder.”
Fares also called for a cultural boycott of Israel, barring it from participating in the Eurovision Song Contest.
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