Tunisian human rights organizations announced the establishment of a “coalition against torture” during a press conference held at the headquarters of the National Syndicate of Tunisian Journalists.
This coalition aims to unite efforts to expose abuses, reduce impunity and amend the law to bring it in line with international standards.
The initiative included several Tunisian human rights associations, such as “the Tunisian Association for Justice and Equality”, Generation Against Marginalization, “the Tunisian Association Awladuna”, and “an African association”.
Mohamed Mezam, executive director of the Tunisian League for the Defense of Human Rights, said the initiative will remain open to all civil society forces to join it in order to unite their efforts and benefit from their experiences.
Violations related to ill-treatment and torture continue to be recorded, he said, stressing that victims of torture and ill-treatment still exist, and that new victims are registered every year without redress for previous victims.
The coalition will monitor human rights violations and expose abuses, provide psychological, medical, and legal assistance to victims of torture, and submit legislative proposals to eradicate the phenomenon of torture.
This initiative comes in light of broad human rights demands for the release of politicians arrested since February 2023 on charges of conspiring against state security, including Ennahda leader Rached Ghannouchi and a number of other political leaders.