Sun. Oct 6th, 2024

Stephanie Khoury, Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Political Affairs and Acting Head of the United Nations Support Mission affirmed the mission’s commitment to supporting Libyans in avoiding the risks of division.

Khoury noted that the mission is working to facilitate an inclusive political process led by Libyans themselves, with the participation of women, youth and various components.

During her speech, Khoury explained that the mission is committed to supporting the holding of inclusive, free and fair national elections to restore legitimacy to Libyan institutions, pending the appointment of a new UN special representative to succeed Abdullah Batelli, who recently resigned.

It also underlined the need to continue to support an inclusive national reconciliation process, complete the implementation of the ceasefire agreement and address the proliferation of weapons, as well as improve the human rights situation and the rule of law.

Khoury pointed to the long suffering of the Libyan people as a result of the lack of stability and development and explained that they are currently facing difficult living conditions, which makes it time to put an end to this suffering.

She called on everyone to work for the unity, sovereignty, stability and prosperity of Libya, expressing her aspiration to support the Libyan people in achieving their aspirations towards peace, stability and democracy.


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