Thu. Jul 4th, 2024

Malian dissidents in exile announced the formation of a civilian transitional government, after the military council postponed the presidential elections, which were scheduled for last February.

An opposition group in Geneva announced, through a statement, that the “Citizens’ Council for Civil Transition” had elected members of the government the day before yesterday, Saturday, and the statement was signed by the head of the council, Adaman Traoré, a Malian politician living in exile.

The statement affirmed that the “transitional civil government is the only legitimate government in Mali,” and announced that Mohamed Sharif Kony will head this government, which consists of 6 members, all of whom are well-known figures in Mali and live in exile.

In September 2023, the spokesman for the transitional government, Colonel Abdullah Maiga, announced the postponement of the elections that were scheduled between February 4 and 18, 2024, citing technical reasons related to the approval of a new constitution and review of electoral regulations, in addition to a dispute with a French company participating in the population census operations.

Colonel Maiga indicated in his statement that the presidential elections will be announced at a later time, after the aforementioned technical problems are resolved.

The Malian government also canceled the legislative elections that were in preparation for the presidential elections scheduled for the end of last year, accusing the French company in charge of preparing voter records of withholding the data and not handing it over to the competent authorities.

It is noteworthy that the transitional government in Mali announced in June 2022 a new electoral law, as part of steps to return to constitutional rule, amid regional pressure to hold elections since the military junta took power in August 2020.

Last July, the Constitutional Council approved the new constitution after a popular referendum that showed widespread support (96.91%), which grants the president broad powers and strengthens the status of the armed forces in the country.

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