Sun. Sep 8th, 2024

The Minister of Investment in the Libyan government, mandated by the House of Representatives, Ali Al-Saidi, signed an agreement to establish a railway track from the city of Benghazi to the border municipality of Musaed and the city of Marsa Matrouh in Egypt.

According to a statement by the government on its Facebook page, Minister Saidi signed the agreement with the head of the Chinese BFI consortium, Saleh Atti, the chairman of the Board of Directors of the Railway Roads Project Implementation and Management Authority, Saeed Al-Kilani, his deputy, Abrik Abdullah, the director of the Benghazi branch of the authority, Boubaker Al-Juhaimi, and Muzaffar Jibril, advisor to the coalition.

According to the government’s statement, the contract stipulates that actual and direct work on this route will begin immediately upon receipt of the maps approved by the Railway Project Implementation and Management Authority.

The Ministry of Investment also confirmed that a number of other lines will be added to a number of other regions and municipalities as part of the Libyan government’s plans to cover the entire Libyan state with an integrated network of railways.

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