Mon. Jul 1st, 2024

A series of fires that lasted for five days in the Libyan city of Traghen caused massive destruction of property and lives.

The Libyan Agricultural Police Service added that the fires caused severe damage to the agricultural infrastructure in the city, as more than 1,500 fruitful palm seedlings were damaged, and more than 320 sheep and goats died, in addition to about 48 poultry birds.

For its part, the Local Youth Council in Traghen warned against the recurrence of such incidents, noting that past fires caused huge losses, and called on the concerned authorities, including the government and the National Safety Authority, to quickly provide firefighting and safety equipment to ensure that these disasters do not reoccur.

The Council stressed the importance of taking effective steps to enhance awareness of the dangers of fires and ways to prevent them and called for the necessity of training specialized firefighting cadres and providing them with the necessary equipment to achieve safety and protection for citizens.

Traghen is an oasis in southwestern Libya. It is located about 54 km east of Murzuq, and about 140 km south of Sabha, and there are roads connecting it to both cities, and there are traces of a rock castle dating back to the era of the Kanem kings.

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