Fri. Jul 5th, 2024

The French Council of State upheld the decision to deport Tunisian Imam Mahjoub Mahjoubi, noting that his sermons encouraged discrimination against women and Jews.

The Council of State noted that Mahjoubi’s actions were “incitement to hatred or violence against groups of people” and his comments targeted Jews, criticized French society and promoted jihad.

The Council of State stated that Mahjoubi, who lives with his Tunisian wife, who lives in France and has six children, still has ties to Tunisia and the decision to deport him does not violate his family rights.

Mahjoubi, who lived in the Gard region in southern France, was arrested and deported to Tunisia on February 22, and the administrative court on March 4 recognized the legality of the deportation.

The imam became famous in a video that went viral on social media in which he described the “tricolor flag” as a “satanic flag that has no value to God,” without specifying whether he meant the French flag.

Mahjoubi defended himself as a “slip of the tongue” and that he was condemning the bickering between Maghreb fans during the last Africa Cup of Nations.

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