Thu. Jul 4th, 2024

Sheikh Amr Al-Wardani, Secretary of Fatwa at the Egyptian Fatwa House, issued a warning against the spread of the phenomenon of “hotel marriage” in societies, stressing its danger and negative impact on the fabric of social relations.

Al-Wardani explained during his participation in the “With People” program, which is broadcast on “Al-Nas” satellite channel, that this type of marriage reflects a state of despair regarding compassionate human relations and skepticism about the basic values ​​and principles on which it is based.

Al-Wardani stated that society is based on compassionate relationships, and hotel marriage results in the loss of hope in those relationships. He stressed that in the phenomenon of hotel marriage, individuals are not looking for a caring partner, but rather marriage becomes merely an exchange of services.

He also pointed out that the basic criterion in “hotel marriage” is material interest and temporary comfort. In this type of marriage, the person who provides the services is the one who pays or spends, and if these services stop, the partner changes just as the hotel changes.

Al-Wardani considered that money is the main factor in this marriage, which makes marriage lose its true meaning and leads to the loss of the blessing based on affection and virtue.

Al-Wardani concluded by warning against this marriage, which empties the marital institution of its spiritual and human content and turns it into a superficial relationship based only on material interests. He called on society to adhere to the true values ​​of marriage built on affection and compassion.

“Hotel marriage” is used in certain circumstances when one party is able to provide material and financial services to the other party, and sometimes, it is used as a means of establishing temporary relationships without a long-term commitment.

Some people prefer this type of marriage to avoid emotional obligations and traditional family ties, without having to bear the responsibilities of traditional marriage.

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