Thu. Jul 4th, 2024

Hebrew media said that dozens of Israelis from the yeshiva were lost, after being swallowed up by the Dead Sea, following a large ceremony on Neve Misbar beach.

The Hebrew newspaper “Yedioth Ahronoth” reported that a number of yeshiva students were swept away by the Dead Sea and were considered missing at 11 p.m.

The Hebrew newspaper noted that the ceremony was organized by students of the religious school in Modi’in Illit, and the number of guests reached about 2,000 people belonging to religious Orthodox Jews.

The rescue operations were carried out with the participation of rescue helicopters and marine rescue units, and flares were used, but everyone wonders what exactly happened.

The search continued for long hours until the Gulf fell, and 6 missing people were eventually found off the beach, who were later transferred to Jerusalem hospitals in moderate condition.

The Israel Police stated that after ensuring the safety of the six students, a drone was activated to search for more missing persons, and the search is still ongoing.

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