Sun. Mar 16th, 2025

Pavel Durov, the founder of the “Telegram” application, announced a big surprise, which was that he has more than 100 biological children in 12 different countries.

This revelation came as a result of his sperm donation to couples suffering from a lack of high-quality semen.

Durov explained that the story began 15 years ago when a close friend asked him to donate sperm at a clinic to help his wife conceive.

The medical institution then suggested that Durov donate a larger amount of sperm to help more couples, due to the scarcity of high-quality semen.

Durov added that, although he stopped donating several years ago, some clinics are still using his frozen sperm for in vitro fertilization procedures, which continues to assist families looking to conceive.

Durov confirmed that he intends to reveal his DNA code, with the aim of facilitating the communication process of his biological children with each other in the future.

He also stressed the importance of sperm donation, calling on healthy men to participate in this humanitarian work to help fulfill the dream of many families to have children.

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