Sat. Jul 6th, 2024
Russian President

Russia hints at the possibility of amending its nuclear doctrine amid escalating threats

Kartapolov said, in statements reported by the Russian Information Agency, that “if we see that challenges and threats…

2 weeks ago

Putin announces an increase in Russian arms production and stresses the need for superiority to ensure victory

Putin noted that the production of drones increased by four times, and the production of armored vehicles increased…

1 month ago

Putin arrives in China to discuss the international crises (Pictures + Video)

This visit is the first of its kind at the level of a "state visit", which is the…

2 months ago

Putin Reappoints Mikhail Mishustin as Head of Government

"Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the appointment of the Russian head of government, and in…

2 months ago

Putin During His Inauguration Ceremony: We Do Not Reject Cooperation with Western Countries (Video and Photos)

After being sworn in, President Putin said: "At this moment, I thank from my heart all citizens throughout…

2 months ago

Putin directs the start of exercises on the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons

"On the instructions of the Supreme Commander of the Russian Armed Forces, and in order to increase the…

2 months ago

Putin issues a decree transferring the management of two European companies to a Russian company

According to the decree, Russian interim administration was imposed on ‘BSH’ and ‘Ariston Thermo Rus’. ‘Ariston Thermo Ross’…

2 months ago

Putin..Intelligence Agencies in Some Countries Are Behind Terrorist Attacks

President Putin noted that terrorism remains one of the most serious threats of the twenty-first century, stressing that…

2 months ago

Message from Putin on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr

Putin said in the message, which was published on the Kremlin's website on Wednesday: "For centuries, Eid al-Fitr…

3 months ago

Russia to deliver another batch of humanitarian aid to Gaza Strip

"A Ministry Il-76 plane took off from the Makhachkala International Airport to the El Arish airport. The cargo…

7 months ago

Politics What are the details of the “exchange talks” proposal that Hamas agreed to?

What are the details of the “exchange talks” proposal that Hamas agreed to?

A leadership source in the Hamas movement said on Saturday...

3 hours ago

Politics More than 24 thousand Libyans have applied for a “Schengen” visa

More than 24 thousand Libyans have applied for a “Schengen” visa

Libyans ranked 51st in terms of the nationalities most requesting...

3 hours ago

Politics The end of the American presence at the Nigerian base in Niamey

The end of the American presence at the Nigerian base in Niamey

The US Army is preparing to end its presence at...

4 hours ago

Politics Sudan… The repercussions of the armed conflict threaten agriculture and increase the risk of famine

Sudan… The repercussions of the armed conflict threaten agriculture and increase the risk of famine

The ongoing conflicts in Sudan for more than a year...

4 hours ago

Politics 4.5 million Ethiopians are displaced due to conflicts and climate disasters

4.5 million Ethiopians are displaced due to conflicts and climate disasters

A report issued by the United Nations Office for the...

5 hours ago

Politics Mufti of Egypt: The Prophet praised the Egyptian army and testified to its benevolence in authentic hadiths
Politics An American drone monitors the Libyan coast amid international surveillance operations

An American drone monitors the Libyan coast amid international surveillance operations

An American Triton drone was seen monitoring the Libyan coast...

17 hours ago

Politics The Libyan Oil Minister announces his temporary suspension of work in protest after his appeals were ignored (video)
Economy Libya reveals its oil revenues in the first half of the current year 2024

Libya reveals its oil revenues in the first half of the current year 2024

The Central Bank of Libya announced, on Thursday, that oil...

1 day ago

Economy An increase in the value of Egyptian fuel imports in the first half of 2024

An increase in the value of Egyptian fuel imports in the first half of 2024

An Egyptian government official revealed that the value of fuel...

2 days ago

Economy A Moroccan court upholds a fine of 6.3 billion dirhams on Morocco Telecom

A Moroccan court upholds a fine of 6.3 billion dirhams on Morocco Telecom

A Moroccan Court of Appeal upheld a ruling requiring Maroc...

2 days ago

Economy Algeria launches a program to establish 30 silos to store grains to enhance food security

Algeria launches a program to establish 30 silos to store grains to enhance food security

The Algerian government launched a program to implement 30 silos...

3 days ago