Sat. Jul 6th, 2024
European Union

Recommendation to cancel the maritime fishing agreement between Morocco and Europe

Capita stressed that the European Court of Justice should annul this agreement, relying on an appeal filed by…

3 months ago

European plan to provide urgent financial assistance to Egypt to address economic downturn

The €1 billion (USD 1.1 billion) that the Union intends to provide to Egypt urgently is part of…

3 months ago

The European Union unveils the financial prizes for the new format of the UEFA Champions League.

The first round of the competition, which will be held in a group system, will witness an increase…

3 months ago

Morocco is the third-largest supplier of fish products to the European Union

The results of the study on the European Parliament website showed that the value of imported fish products…

3 months ago

Tunisia: European funding of 164.5 million euros to tackle illegal migration

The British newspaper "Financial Times" reported on Sunday that this funding comes in the context of increasing political…

3 months ago

Report..Storm “Daniel” caused catastrophic effects in eastern Libya

The storm affected nearly 1.5 million people, representing nearly 22 percent of the country's population. With regard to…

3 months ago

Tunisia… Foiling 50 attempts of illegal migration within 72 hours

The Tunisian Naval Guard thwarted 28 irregular migration attempts across the maritime border and rescued 1,178 migrants who…

3 months ago

Escalating disputes between Spain and the European Union over the fisheries agreement with Morocco

Madrid said it was committed to the agreement as legal and not contrary to international norms. For many…

3 months ago

Morocco calls on the European Union to protect the partnership between them

Mustafa Paetas, a government spokesman, stressed the important role the EU should play in this regard. Following the…

4 months ago

Farmers in Poland block roads against Ukrainian imports

Farmers have blocked roads leading to the capital Warsaw and other large cities such as Krakow, Wroclaw, Poznan,…

4 months ago

Politics What are the details of the “exchange talks” proposal that Hamas agreed to?

What are the details of the “exchange talks” proposal that Hamas agreed to?

A leadership source in the Hamas movement said on Saturday...

3 hours ago

Politics More than 24 thousand Libyans have applied for a “Schengen” visa

More than 24 thousand Libyans have applied for a “Schengen” visa

Libyans ranked 51st in terms of the nationalities most requesting...

3 hours ago

Politics The end of the American presence at the Nigerian base in Niamey

The end of the American presence at the Nigerian base in Niamey

The US Army is preparing to end its presence at...

4 hours ago

Politics Sudan… The repercussions of the armed conflict threaten agriculture and increase the risk of famine

Sudan… The repercussions of the armed conflict threaten agriculture and increase the risk of famine

The ongoing conflicts in Sudan for more than a year...

4 hours ago

Politics 4.5 million Ethiopians are displaced due to conflicts and climate disasters

4.5 million Ethiopians are displaced due to conflicts and climate disasters

A report issued by the United Nations Office for the...

5 hours ago

Politics Mufti of Egypt: The Prophet praised the Egyptian army and testified to its benevolence in authentic hadiths
Politics An American drone monitors the Libyan coast amid international surveillance operations

An American drone monitors the Libyan coast amid international surveillance operations

An American Triton drone was seen monitoring the Libyan coast...

17 hours ago

Politics The Libyan Oil Minister announces his temporary suspension of work in protest after his appeals were ignored (video)
Economy Libya reveals its oil revenues in the first half of the current year 2024

Libya reveals its oil revenues in the first half of the current year 2024

The Central Bank of Libya announced, on Thursday, that oil...

1 day ago

Economy An increase in the value of Egyptian fuel imports in the first half of 2024

An increase in the value of Egyptian fuel imports in the first half of 2024

An Egyptian government official revealed that the value of fuel...

2 days ago

Economy A Moroccan court upholds a fine of 6.3 billion dirhams on Morocco Telecom

A Moroccan court upholds a fine of 6.3 billion dirhams on Morocco Telecom

A Moroccan Court of Appeal upheld a ruling requiring Maroc...

2 days ago

Economy Algeria launches a program to establish 30 silos to store grains to enhance food security

Algeria launches a program to establish 30 silos to store grains to enhance food security

The Algerian government launched a program to implement 30 silos...

3 days ago