Fri. Mar 28th, 2025

The city of El Geneina in Sudan’s West Darfur State is facing a new humanitarian disaster due to the floods of Kaja Valley, which threaten to submerge entire neighborhoods and displace thousands of residents.

These floods are the latest in a series of natural disasters that have hit the region in recent years, increasing the suffering of residents who are already suffering from the effects of conflicts and disputes.

Eyewitnesses confirmed to Radio “Tamazuj” that the water has already flooded large parts of the neighborhoods of Al-Zouhour, Al-Thawra, and East and West Al-Wadi in the Ardamata Administrative Unit, threatening other neighborhoods such as Um Dwayne with complete submergence.

Halima Ali Yaqoub, one of the victims of Al-Zouhour neighborhood, appealed to charitable organizations and international organizations to intervene urgently to save their homes and protect their property.

She explained that the water is seeping into the neighborhood very quickly, which necessitates an urgent need for building materials such as burlap, sandbags and concrete to build dams to protect the neighborhood from drowning.

For his part, Fakhr El-Din Abkar Zakaria, a member of the emergency room in Geneina, confirmed to Radio “Tamazuj” that the room launched an urgent distress call to organizations, charitable bodies and youth initiatives to contribute to the efforts to contain the floods.

Zakaria pointed out that many families have already been displaced from their homes, and there is an urgent need for urgent humanitarian aid.

So far, the local authorities have not taken any significant action to contain the floods and rescue citizens, which has exacerbated the crisis.

In a related context, the “Zalat Street” initiative, launched by the youth of Al-Nahda and Al-Salam neighborhoods, has succeeded in significantly improving the condition of the Sudatel road, as volunteers opened the drains and cleaned the road of dirt, which contributed to facilitating traffic. The initiative plans to expand the scope of its work to include other streets inside and outside the neighborhood.

Fakhr El-Din Abkar Issa, the initiative’s representative, told Radio Tamazuj that they started their work with young volunteers from Al-Tadamun and Al-Salam neighborhoods, with the aim of serving the country.

He added: “We will repair the gravel and remove the dirt from the road, and our work extends to the inside of the market, the main street, the crossing, and the road in front of Al-Junaina Hospital.”

Issa explained that the initiative is open to volunteers from other neighborhoods to cover all roads, given that Al-Junaina has been severely damaged by floods this season.

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