Fri. Jul 5th, 2024

During a press conference at the conclusion of his visit to Burkina Faso, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov announced Russia’s plans to increase the number of military trainers in the country.

Lavrov said: “Russian trainers are working here (in Burkina Faso), and their number will increase later,” noting that Russia is also training members of the armed forces and law enforcement agencies in Burkina Faso and described this type of partnership as “specific and very advanced.”

Lavrov confirmed that Russia will supply Burkina Faso with additional military products to support its efforts to combat terrorism, explaining that Russian Deputy Defense Minister Yunusbek Yevkurov recently visited Burkina Faso to enhance this cooperation.

Lavrov added, “Since the first contacts between our two countries after President Ibrahim Traoré came to power, we have participated very closely in all areas of cooperation, including the development of military and military-technical relations.”

During his visit to Ouagadougou, Lavrov held closed talks with the interim president of Burkina Faso, according to a TASS correspondent.

Ouagadougou received the Russian delegation with great welcome, as graffiti was seen on the walls, one of which depicted the meeting of the leader of Burkina Faso with Russian President Vladimir Putin, which took place on the sidelines of the Russian-African summit in Petersburg, in addition to Russian flags in the city, as an expression of the strong relations between the two countries.

For his part, Karamoko Jean-Marie Traoré, Foreign Minister of Burkina Faso, described cooperation with Russia in the energy sector as a priority for his country.

Traoré said in a press conference following discussions with his Russian counterpart: “Some priorities were reviewed, and naturally, we decided to strengthen our relationship with Russia, and give it new dynamics. We are working to develop cooperation in a variety of fields, primarily in the field of security, in addition to… Therefore, we will develop bilateral cooperation in the fields of trade, commercial and economic relations, agriculture and logistics services.”

As part of his African tour, Lavrov also visited the Republic of Guinea and the Republic of Congo.

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