Sun. Dec 22nd, 2024

The German platform Statista, which specializes in data and statistics, published a report showing a significant decline in the gross national income per capita in Libya for the year 2023.

The per capita income recorded a decrease of $2,720, or 26.43% compared to last year, and the report indicates that these figures reflect the total funds received by the state, whether from within or outside it, divided by the population in the middle of the year.

Statista is one of the most prominent global data analysis and statistics companies, founded in 2007 and headquartered in Hamburg, Germany, and provides various data and statistics on a wide range of topics, including the economy, market, industry, demographics, and others, and is considered a reliable and comprehensive source of data used by journalists, academics, researchers, and marketers to make informed decisions.

It is noteworthy that the economic forecasts in 2024 estimated the inflation rate at about 2.6%, which is a decrease from the 3.4% rate recorded in 2023, and it was expected that the per capita share of the GDP would become about 6,716 US dollars.

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