Fri. Sep 13th, 2024

The spokesman for the Libyan Kufra Municipality, Abdullah Suleiman, announced his categorical rejection of the idea of establishing camps for Sudanese refugees inside Libya.

This statement came during a phone call with “Al-Masar” Channel, where Suleiman confirmed the continued flow of displaced persons and refugees from Sudan without interruption, which puts great pressure on the local infrastructure and resources.

Suleiman explained that the authorities in Kufra face major challenges in dealing with the increasing numbers of refugees, indicating that they are unable to fulfill all their obligations in this regard.

He added that the authorities are considering facilitating the movement of displaced persons to other Libyan cities to relieve pressure on Kufra and improve the services provided to them.

He stressed that the optimal solution lies in establishing camps inside Sudanese territory instead of Libya, calling on the United Nations to assume its responsibility in this regard, stressing that establishing camps inside Libya is categorically rejected, expressing disagreement with international missions on this proposal.

Official estimates indicate that the number of Sudanese refugees in Kufra has exceeded 15,000 people, while some reports indicate that the total number reaches more than 45,000 refugees in the area, with about 800 new refugees arriving daily.

An emergency committee has been formed by the Kufra municipality to address the crisis, and the Libyan National Army is distributing food, blankets, clothes and hygiene materials to 10,000 refugees, and the European Union has allocated 500,000 euros to the World Health Organization to provide primary health care.

Libya’s revenues reach more than 31 billion dinars in the first quarter of 2024

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