Fri. Jul 5th, 2024

Abdullah Al Lafi, a member of the Presidential Council, held a meeting on Sunday with the Russian ambassador to Libya, Aydar Aganin, to discuss the latest developments in the Libyan political process.

A statement issued by the Presidential Council said that the discussion included the issue of national reconciliation and arrangements for the holding of the national conference expected to be held in Sirte on April 28th.

Al-Lafi praised Russia’s commitment to strengthening the peace process and its efforts to ensure Libya’s stability.

The statement stated the Russian official’s appreciation of the role of the Presidential Council in overcoming the political stalemate and building confidence between the various parties, noting that the national reconciliation initiative would enhance the chances for peace.

The statement also noted that the talks touched on the decision of the General Command of the Libyan Army last week to suspend its participation in the preparatory committee for national reconciliation.

The suspension came in protest against the Presidential Council’s decision to cancel the decision to include “martyrs and wounded of the armed forces in the eastern and southern regions” within the General Authority for the Care of the Families of Martyrs and Missing Persons.


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