Tue. Mar 18th, 2025

The Libyan “Tiniri Amazigh Movement” called on the head of the outgoing National Unity Government, Abdelhamid Dbeibeh, to make the Amazigh language an official language in the country.

The movement focused its demands on the necessity of obtaining a national identification number for the Amazigh in Tenerife, who face deprivation of basic citizenship rights, and stressed the importance of accelerating development procedures for their areas, which suffer from marginalization compared to other Libyan cities.

The movement called on the Prime Minister to take a “serious stance” towards the Amazigh issues in Libya, expressing their aspiration to see tangible changes that enhance the status and rights of the Amazigh within the Libyan national fabric.

The “Tiniri Berbers” are basically part of the Tuareg spread in the Tiniri region in the Sahara Desert, which extends across Niger and southern Algeria, and they are also present in several countries in North and West Africa, including Libya, where there are groups of them living in southwestern Libya. Especially in the Fezzan region and in some other regions of the country.

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