Thu. Jul 4th, 2024

The National Center for Examinations in Libya revealed surprising and shocking numbers regarding cases of cheating in high school exams, which led to the cancellation of many students’ exams in the subjects “mathematics” and “statistics.”

In a statement published on its official Facebook page, the center announced the cancellation of the exams of 155 students from the scientific department due to their involvement in cheating during the mathematics exam, in addition to canceling the exams of 17 students from the literary department in statistics.

The statement explained that these students used their mobile phones inside the examination halls, which is considered a flagrant violation of examination laws.

The matter was not limited to students only, but also included 51 members of the examination supervision committees, including committee chairs, invigilators, and observers, who were relieved of their duties due to their negligence in performing their duties.

The Undersecretary of the Ministry of Education for Supervision Affairs in the “National Unity” government also announced the cancellation of the exams of 119 other students and the referral of 33 supervisors to investigation in other subjects, in a step that reflects the government’s seriousness in dealing with this phenomenon.

For his part, the Libyan Attorney General affirmed his full support for the efforts made to combat cheating in high school exams, warning against tolerance for any individual who contributes to these illegal practices, whether students or those responsible for supervising exams.

Officials also renewed their warnings to high school students against the consequences of photographing and publishing exam question papers on social media sites, stressing the need to maintain the confidentiality of papers and avoid throwing them away randomly to prevent them from being exploited by others.

The Libyan Ministry of Education took strict steps to combat cheating in 2023, and included tightening penalties for involved students, increasing the number of invigilators in exam halls, and using advanced techniques to detect cheating.


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