Sun. Oct 6th, 2024

The Libyan Oil Corporation announced in a statement that the technical teams of the Arabian Gulf Oil Company were able to convert the well (C309-65) in the Sarir oil field to production at a rate of 1134 barrels of crude oil per day, while the percentage of associated water is about 2.9%.

The oil sector, which is controlled by the National Oil Corporation (NOC), is facing a number of crises, affecting more than one oil well in Libya, leading to the disruption of the fields, especially with the increasing mutual accusations over oil smuggling.

Libya pumped up to 1.14 million barrels per day of crude oil in February 2024 as Libyan refineries were disrupted by the war.

Over the past few weeks, the head of Libya’s central bank, Siddiq al-Kabir, has increasingly accused outgoing Prime Minister Abdelhamid Dbeibeh of turning a blind eye to oil smuggling, while demanding reform of the subsidy program that drains the country’s foreign exchange reserves.

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