Sat. Sep 7th, 2024

Yesterday, Saturday, the Commander of the Libyan Arab Armed Forces, Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar, received Russian Deputy Defense Minister Yunus Bek Yevkirov at the General Command headquarters in Al-Rajma.

Haftar welcomed the Russian delegation, stressing the friendly relationship between the two countries and the importance of developing it in the military and economic fields.

Haftar stressed the importance of cooperation between Libya and Russia, pointing to developing relations in the fields of military training and raising efficiency.

The Russian military official spoke about his country’s contribution to strengthening the capabilities of the General Command forces, stressing joint cooperation to combat terrorism and extremism.

On Friday, Yevkirov arrived at Benina International Airport at the head of a high-level delegation from the Russian government. He was received at the airport by the Minister of Defense of the government appointed by the House of Representatives, Ahmad Houma, the Director of the Office of the Commander of the General Command Forces, Lieutenant General Khairy Al-Tamimi, and the Chief of Staff of the security units, Major General Khaled Haftar.

The Russian military official has made four visits to the eastern region of Libya since last August.

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