Thu. Jul 4th, 2024

Manado Airport, the closest to the recently erupted Ruang volcano in northern Indonesia, has been closed due to volcanic ash volatilization, the Indonesian Ministry of Transport said.

The volcano erupted on Tuesday evening, releasing a cloud of ash that exceeded a kilometer high, prompting authorities to raise the alert level to level four, the highest in the approved classification system.

Accordingly, emergency services began evacuations of thousands of people threatened by the eruption, and residents were asked not to come closer than six kilometers to the volcano due to potential new threats to safety.

The director of the local airports authority’s office, Ambar Surioko, said in a statement that the closure of the airport was “due to the scattering of volcanic ash that may harm aviation safety.”

Manado Airport offers domestic and outbound flight services to several destinations including Singapore, South Korea, and China.


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