Mon. Mar 17th, 2025

Heavy rains hit several cities in eastern Libya and flooded streets and homes, prompting some municipalities to declare a state of emergency, while Osama Hammad, head of the stability government, directed all competent authorities to move quickly to ensure that the situation does not get out of control, and to take all measures to protect and rescue stranded citizens.

After two days of rainy weather in the cities of Al-Bayda, Sousse and Shahat, a state of fear prevailed among citizens of a repeat of the disaster in the city of Derna, given the torrential torrents that crawled on many homes, and turned some streets into lakes.

In the face of heavy rains on the city of Shahat, the ambulance service said that it had declared a state of emergency, while this atmosphere brought back to the forefront of events, the Derna disaster that struck it with cities in eastern Libya, on the tenth of September 2023, but the government said that the situation did not reach the level of danger.

These developments come in light of great criticism of the unity government in Tripoli led by Abdul Hamid Dabaiba, which, despite spending 3 billion and 24 million dinars during 2023, has not been able to overcome the current disasters.

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