Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Hamas issues a statement against the American veto that thwarted an Emirati draft resolution in the UN Security Council calling for a ceasefire in Gaza.

Hamas strongly condemns the US veto that blocked a proposed United Nations Security Council demand for an immediate humanitarian cease-fire in Gaza, a senior Hamas official said late on Friday in an official statement, saying that the group considers Washington’s move “unethical and inhumane.”

“The US obstruction of the issuance of a cease-fire resolution is a direct participation with the occupation in killing our people and committing more massacres and ethnic cleansing,” Ezzat El-Reshiq, a member of the group’s political bureau, said.

Russia, which wanted stronger criticism of Israel in the resolution, also abstained, calling the final draft that contained amendments pushed by Washington “extremely neutered” and “toothless.”

Following the vote, Israeli Ambassador to the U.N. Gilad Erdan thanked the U.S. for “standing on Israel’s side” and “maintaining defined red lines” of Israel’s authority to inspect aid entering Gaza.

“The failures of the U.N. in the last 17 years have allowed Hamas to dig terror tunnels and manufacture missiles and rockets,” he said. “It is clear that the U.N. cannot be trusted to monitor the incoming aid to the Gaza Strip.”

“The text of the draft has lost a reference to condemnations of all indiscriminate attacks on civilians,” said Russian Ambassador to the U.N. Vassily Nebenzya, speaking through an interpreter. “What signal does this send to the international community? That the Security Council is giving Israel a green light for war crimes?”

The Russian ambassador chided council members for the move to “rubber stamp a decision that is convenient for Washington.”

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