Sun. Sep 8th, 2024

The Commander-in-Chief of the Libyan Armed Forces, Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar, inaugurated 5 new newly constructed bridges in the city of Benghazi.

Field Marshal Haftar stressed in a speech during the opening of the bridges that “Benghazi, which is full of terrorism, deserves a lot and the duty of the leadership and others to work on development projects in it to be a destination for those who go to it.”

He stressed the work of the General Command to build a prosperous future for Benghazi based on a strategy based on the reconstruction of infrastructure and the urban map.

The armed forces are continuing to co-ordinate and co-operate with the stability government in building cities according to well-studied plans, he said, noting that the government is working on real projects to develop Benghazi, not like others, which we do not see results for, he said.

“We are living through a phase of transformation entitled renaissance and urbanization, and what we are witnessing today is the inauguration of larger and larger projects, choosing Benghazi as the capital of Islamic culture is a merit, and today it is the capital of leadership and reconstruction and a centre for knowledge, science and literature,” he said.

He called for supporting education and the cultural, theatrical, and creative movement as part of the national project that the General Command seeks to achieve.

In conclusion, he thanked everyone who contributed to this urban renaissance with their efforts, in which they continued day and night to accomplish what everyone sees today.

In addition to Haftar, the ceremony was attended by First Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives Fawzi Al-Noueiri, Second Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives Misbah Douma, a group of members of the House of Representatives, Chairman of the Reconstruction and Stability Committee Hatem Al-Oraibi, Prime Minister of the Libyan Government Osama Hammad, Executive Director of the Derna and Affected Areas Reconstruction Fund Engineer Belkacem Haftar, members of the Reconstruction and Stability Committee Abdul Rahman Zaid and Faraj Aqim, and a group of military and security leaders, diplomats and representatives of foreign and local companies implementing the bridges.

The Reconstruction and Stability Committee confirmed that these openings come within the package of reconstruction, building and construction projects, implemented by the Reconstruction and Stability Committee in cooperation with the Libyan government, under the supervision of the General Command, after diligent and continuous work in order to provide the best services to the citizen, and develop infrastructure with full commitment to the accuracy of work and speed of delivery.

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