Sat. Sep 14th, 2024

Egyptian Defense Minister Abdel Majeed Sakr called on the Armed Forces personnel to maintain the highest levels of combat readiness, stressing the importance of the army’s readiness to carry out the tasks assigned to it in protecting the country’s national security.

This came during his attendance at the main phase of the Second Field Army’s mobilization command centers project, which lasted for several days as part of the combat training plan for the formations and units of the Armed Forces. The event was attended by Lieutenant General Ahmed Khalifa, Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces, and a number of commanders of the main branches.

Major General Mamdouh Gaafar, Commander of the Second Field Army, stressed the army’s commitment to achieving the highest levels of efficiency and combat readiness, pointing to the army’s ability to carry out the tasks required to defend the security and safety of the homeland.

The main phase of the project included a presentation of a summary of the mobilization idea and the decisions taken by the leaders during the project’s management, which demonstrated the high combat readiness and distinguished training of the participating elements.

The Minister of Defense pointed out the interest of the General Command of the Armed Forces in developing training systems and bringing them to the highest levels of combat readiness, stressing that training represents the essence of combat efficiency and a decisive factor in the success of the forces in carrying out their tasks.

This comes at a time when the region is witnessing increasing tensions, with the ongoing Israeli war on the Gaza Strip and expectations that the war will expand to include other regional countries.

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