Tue. Mar 18th, 2025

A residential building collapsed on Monday morning in Darwish Neighborhood on Riad Street in the Egyptian Assiut Governorate, killing four people and injuring eight others, while 13 people are still missing.

Local authorities sent several rescue teams and ambulances to the site of the accident to assist in relief efforts and search for survivors.

The representative in the Egyptian House of Representatives from the Social Democratic Party, Sanaa Al-Saeed, asked questions to the Prime Minister and the Minister of Local Development about the causes of the collapse, pointing to the growing fears of the recurrence of such incidents in Egypt.

It highlighted the urgent need to inspect buildings that are vulnerable to falling and review licensing and construction control policies to improve safety standards, as estimates indicate that there are more than 97,000 buildings that are vulnerable to collapse across Egypt.

It is reported that on June 4, 2024, a five-story building collapsed in the Mit Ghamr area of ​​Dakahlia Governorate in the Nile Delta, killing five people and injuring four others, and in July 2023, 12 people were killed when another five-story building collapsed in the Hadayek area. Al-Qubba in Cairo.

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