Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

The UN envoy to Libya, Abdullah Batele, stressed the convergence of visions on the need for the main institutional parties in Libya to engage in dialogue to reach a political consensus on the outstanding contentious issues, in order to revive the electoral process and restore legitimacy to Libyan institutions.

In Libya, Batteli met with German MP Tobias Bacherle to discuss the latest political and security developments while stressing the importance of Libya’s stability.

Batteley stressed the importance of Libya’s regional and international partners playing a constructive role in supporting a political settlement. In a related context, German Ambassador to Tripoli Michael Unmacht affirmed his country’s commitment to supporting the democratic process and promoting stability in Libya.

Batili also met with Japan’s ambassador to Libya, Izuru Shimura, and praised Tokyo’s unwavering support in the Security Council through its chairmanship of the Libya sanctions committee.

Batelli praised the relief assistance provided by Japan, through UN agencies, to those affected by floods in eastern Libya.

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