In light of the difficult economic conditions that Libyans are experiencing, the extravagant luxuries of some prominent political figures are drawing widespread criticism and resentment from citizens.
Videos posted by Mohammed, the son of Libya’s unity government Prime Minister Abdelhamid Dabaiba, have angered Libyans, showing him boasting of excess luxury and opulence, while many in the country struggle to earn a daily living.
Social media users circulated a video showing an aspect of the Dabaiba family’s recent wedding celebration in Misrata, which shows playing with money, slaughtering sacrifices, preparing huge dining tables and other manifestations of extravagance and luxury.
Mohammed’s videos angered Libyans, asking where all the money came from, accusing his father of corruption, especially since many members of the Dabaiba family hold senior government positions.
The west of Libya suffers from a large spread of chaos and corruption in light of worsening economic conditions, high prices of basic commodities, in addition to the devaluation of the local currency.
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