Mon. Sep 16th, 2024

Sudanese army officer Tariq al-Hadi Kijab harshly criticized army commanders and accused them of failing to protect civilians in several parts of the country during his sermon on Friday.

In video statements, Kijab sharply criticized the Sudanese military, accusing it of failing to do its duty to protect civilians in Khartoum, Al Jazeera and Darfur.

“My message to the leadership begins with our people on the island, and people know that the island fell in two hours because there were rude people who were in Madani who helped the militia and others,” Kijab said in his sermon.

He added: “But if this is a fact, there are other facts that people should discuss, because a civilian fell in two hours, and a shot did not rise, after they withdrew the containers that were closing the largest Rifaa, and is the defense of Madani only the two containers, and where are the defenses and snipers and where is the dashm?”

Kijab pointed out that the army in Nyala fought for 7 months, until the garrison fell, adding: “Why did the army withdraw from al-Kamilin and Rafaa without unscrewing a single shot.”

Kijab reviewed important questions about the army’s actions in several areas, stressing that these questions will remain open and must be answered, no matter how long it takes.

He concluded his remarks by saying: “People have been patient and endured exaggerated harm, and what happened to citizens on the island is many times what happened to them in Khartoum.”

At the end of his speech, Kijab stressed the importance of the army assuming its responsibilities towards citizens in various regions, and the need to provide basic services and protect them with strength and determination.




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