Fri. Sep 13th, 2024

Algeria expressed its deep concern over the recent military movements in Libya, noting that it is following with great interest the escalating tension in the southern and western regions of Libya.

The Algerian Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed, in a statement, that these developments raise serious concerns, shared with the United Nations, regarding the possibility of an escalation of violence in the country.

Algeria renewed its call for the conflicting Libyan parties to exercise restraint and to favor dialogue, warning of the dire consequences of resuming fighting.

The Algerian Foreign Ministry stressed the need to preserve the fragile gains achieved in terms of stopping the clashes, and to work to find a peaceful solution that guarantees national reconciliation and the reunification of Libyan institutions away from foreign interference.

In a related context, several Western countries, including France, Italy, Germany, Britain and the United States, in addition to the UN mission, expressed their concern about the ongoing military movements in the southwestern region of Libya.

These countries considered that the current situation portends a possible escalation in light of the current political stalemate.

This comes at a time when Libya has witnessed new tension after Haftar’s forces moved towards the southwest, which angered the military forces in western Libya.

In response to these movements, the Deputy Chief of Staff in western Libya, Lieutenant General Salah Al-Namroush, ordered a state of alert to confront any potential threat.

While Haftar’s forces announced that their movements aim to secure the areas of Sabha, Murzuq, Al-Qatrun and Brak Al-Shati, as part of a plan to secure southern Libya

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