Fri. Jul 5th, 2024

The discovery of the young man after his disappearance for 28 years caused shock and astonishment in the province of Djelfa, where he was found in a tragic state inside his neighbor’s warehouse.

Local authorities in the municipality of al-Qadid, Djelfa province, found Ben Omran Omar, now 44, on Monday in a grave-like pit, social media pages reported.

The incident dates back to 1996 when the young man was kidnapped at the age of sixteen, and his family has been living in a state of anxiety and waiting ever since.

In a Facebook post, the victim’s cousin, Khaled, announced that bin Omran had been found in good condition, noting that they were waiting for the details of the case and the results of the investigations.

The story of his return began after news circulated among some residents, reportedly due to a social media post from a person close to his kidnapper confirming that the disappeared young man Ben Omran was alive and in good health.

According to that person, the disappeared person lives in his municipality and did not go out to another municipality or state, and he does not go out to the street but lives close to his family home, because he was hidden by a person on the threshold of sixty years today.

After this information circulated, the search for him began by his relatives, who broke into the house of the kidnapper in the center of the city of Al-Qadid, to find the victim in the middle of a house filled with hay and exhumed him.

In another development, a dead dog was found inside the warehouse, where it is believed to have died poisoned or hanged, due to its constant barking in front of the neighbor’s door where bin Omran was held.

The incident raises questions among people about how the young man’s disappearance will continue for so long without his fate being discovered.

Reports indicate that official investigations are underway to uncover the circumstances of this horrific incident that shocked everyone in Djelfa.

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