Sun. Jul 7th, 2024

The website “Africa Intelligence” close to French intelligence, revealed that the American military company “Amentum” is working to train fighters in Tripoli.

According to the report, American military personnel affiliated with “Academi”, which is close to the Pentagon, have quietly arrived in Libya in the past few weeks.

More than 5 military flights between American bases in the region and the Watiya Air Base controlled by Turkey, located northwest of the country near the Tunisian border, have been observed during the past period.

According to the website, the company’s trainers have been training armed groups in the Tripoli area since last month. These groups include three brigades of “militias”: Brigade 444 led by Mahmoud Hamza, Brigade 111 led by Abdul Salam Al-Zoubi, and Brigade 166 led by Mohammed Al-Hussein. The three brigades have been integrated into the security apparatus of the interim government led by Abdul Hamid al-Dabaiba.

The website mentioned that renewed American interest in Libya is part of a comprehensive strategy to expand its presence in Libya.

The website noted that Washington’s concerns are becoming more complicated due to the fact that its military presence in neighboring Niger is being threatened by the new military council in Niamey. Therefore, the United States has decided to ease its financial restrictions in Africa as part of the “African Peacekeeping” program of the US State Department. Academi received $165 million in late 2023 to provide services in Benin and Somalia.

The report indicated that the budget expectations of the State Department for 2025 include plans to fund the resumption of operations of the US embassy in Libya, requiring $12.7 million to reopen the US embassy in Tripoli and cover travel expenses for diplomats.

The website concluded its report by noting that American diplomats have been based in Tunisia since the closure of their embassy in Libya in 2014, adding that the 2025 budget also provides for Libya to benefit from the International Military Education and Training (IMET) program of the US State Department.

These urgent American measures to return to penetrate Libya come after about a decade of the destruction by NATO forces led by Washington of the oil-rich African country under the pretext of supporting “democracy”, which is the permanent pretext used by the United States to cover its intervention in many countries around the world to extend its influence and exploit the wealth of these countries.

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