Mon. Mar 17th, 2025

Egyptian concert organizer Ahmed Ghanem revealed that the artist Amr Diab is considered the highest paid among the stars currently in Egypt, indicating details of his wages at concerts and special events.

In his statements during the “Abu Yazid Says” podcast, Ghanem explained that Amr Diab receives 10 million pounds per concert, which is his latest price.

Ghanem added that this price can change based on ticket sales. Diab may ask for a larger amount if the concert is completely sold out, but for special occasions such as weddings, Diab charges 6 million pounds.

Diab’s last concert was held at the Mohammed Abdo Theater in Riyadh last Friday, as part of the events accompanying the Electronic Sports World Cup, and the concert witnessed a full audience.

ولم يعلن حتى الآن التفاصيل حول حالة اللاعبة الصحية ومدى خطورة إصابتها، ولكن الحادث أثار موجة من الانتقادات عبر وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي، حيث استنكر الناشطون غياب تدابير السلامة والإسعافات الأولية في موقع العرض.

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