Wed. Mar 26th, 2025

Lawyers for the Republic of Congo sent to the American company “Apple” an official notice in which they demanded that the company stop its violations, stressing that “Apple products are contaminated with the blood of our people.”

Congo’s lawyers, based in Paris, accused Apple of buying metals smuggled from the African Republic to neighboring Rwanda, where they were laundered and integrated into the global supply chain.

“Apple has sold technology made of metals from an area whose population is being devastated by gross human rights abuses, Macs, iPhones and other Apple products are contaminated with the blood of the Congolese people,” Congo’s lawyers said.

Apple declined to comment on the allegations, noting that it is “deeply committed to relying responsibly on the material that goes into our products.”

In December, an international human rights group accused Apple, Google, Microsoft, Dell and Tesla of “knowingly benefiting, aiding and abetting the cruel and brutal exploitation of young children” to extract cobalt in extremely dangerous conditions.

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