Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

Security forces in the Libyan city of Benghazi have dismantled a large network for illegally mining the digital currency “Bitcoin” and resulted in the seizure of more than a thousand devices used in these operations.

The Security Directorates Support Agency in the Eastern Province explained that the investigations led to the location of suspicious activities in the eastern Salmani area, on Palestine Street.

Investigations revealed that the seized devices generated a monthly income of about $ 45,000, and during the operation all electronic devices, Internet equipment and electricity used were confiscated.

At the end of last year, the Attorney General’s Office launched a broad crackdown on cryptocurrency mining sites, and several operations were exposed in various Libyan cities run by Libyan and foreign entities, the majority of which are Chinese.

In 2018, the Central Bank of Libya issued a decision banning trading in digital currencies such as Bitcoin, and declared them illegal within the Libyan state, due to the loss of legal guarantees for people who deal in them.

The bank also issued a warning to citizens, institutions, and companies of the dangers of dealing in virtual currencies due to the possibility of using them in illegal acts that include money laundering and financing terrorist activities.

Bitcoin is the first digital currency to emerge in the world of financial transactions, and it was launched in 2009 on a group of unidentified people known as Satoshi Nakamoto.


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