Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Major addition to the Atlas Lions… Real Madrid star Ibrahim Diaz chooses to represent the Moroccan national team

Real Madrid youngster Brahim Diaz has chosen to represent the Moroccan national football team after deciding to move from representing Spain, local press reported.
2024, Mar 12, 12:36 pm

Charging a Tunisian journalist with three “terrorist” accusations

The investigative governor of the Office No. 12 of the Anti-Terrorism Judicial Pole in Tunisia charged journalist Ziad El Heni with three “terrorist” charges, despite his expectation that he would be declared innocent of the charges against him.
2024, Mar 12, 12:32 pm

The Moroccans support their country’s stance in rejecting assistance from France during the earthquake

Most Moroccans supported their country’s refusal to provide aid by France after the devastating earthquake that occurred on September 8th last year in the province of El Haouz.
2024, Mar 12, 11:15 am

Morocco denies rumors of contamination in strawberries exported to Europe

Morocco’s agriculture ministry on Monday denied rumours of contamination of strawberries exported to Europe, accusing certain parties of trying to discredit the Moroccan producer.
2024, Mar 12, 10:45 am

Morocco closes banking branches and moves towards digital transformation

Morocco has seen a shift within the banking sector after the closure of branches of banking agencies to 5,811 branches compared to 5,914 last year.
2024, Mar 12, 9:35 am

Egypt reveals the truth about the damage to its embassy in Khartoum

Foreign Ministry spokesman Ambassador Ahmed Abu Zeid commented on Monday on the circulation of some media outlets pictures of the damage to the Egyptian embassy in Khartoum.
2024, Mar 11, 11:05 pm

Doubts surround the fire at the General Electricity Company warehouses in Tripoli

Doubts hover over the cause of a massive fire in the warehouses of the General Electricity Company, in the Kuraimiya area, south of the Libyan capital Tripoli, after documents showed the start of inventory operations for the company’s assets.
2024, Mar 11, 11:00 pm

The Egyptian national team awaits the return of Mohamed Salah to its ranks

The executive director of the Egyptian Football Association Walid Al-Attar denied rumors about the absence of Mohamed Salah from the friendly camp of the national team next March.
2024, Mar 11, 10:30 pm

Rise in the number of abducted students in two Nigerian schools to 295

The number of students abducted by armed groups in two days in Nigeria has risen to more than 295 in two separate incidents in the northwest.
2024, Mar 11, 7:27 pm

The United Nations and Russia call on Libyan leaders to conduct elections

The Special Representative of the Secretary-General met with the Head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL), Abdallah Batele, and Russia’s Ambassador to Tripoli, Haidar Aganin, where they invited Libya’s leaders to discuss the need for elections.
2024, Mar 11, 6:21 pm
إعلان مسؤول مصري كبير عن ترقب الحكومة الحصول على قرض يتجاوز مليار دولار من صندوق النقد الدولي، وذلك بعد نجاح من المراجعة الأولى والثانية لبرنامجها الاقتصادي، وتأتي هذه التصريحات بعد اضطرابات اقتصادية شهدتها مصر في الآونة الأخيرة.

Egypt anticipates 3 billion dollars from the World Bank

Egyptian Finance Minister Mohamed Maait expects Egypt to receive $3 billion in financing from the World Bank, as part of an expected $20 billion financing package from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for the country.
2024, Mar 11, 5:32 pm

Libya struggles to control a massive fire at the electricity company’s warehouses (video)

Fire brigades are following for the second day operations to extinguish the huge fire that broke out in electricity stores in the Kuraimiya area, south of the Libyan capital Tripoli, on Sunday.
2024, Mar 11, 5:14 pm

The United Nations: The digital divide is one of the biggest challenges of this generation

The Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union, Doreen Bogdan-Martin, expressed her concern about the growing gap between those who have access to digital technology and those who lack it.
2024, Mar 11, 4:52 pm

France insists on its military presence in Chad, its last stronghold on the African coast

An envoy to French President Emmanuel Macron announced that France will keep its troops in Chad, which is ruled by a military council. Despite its withdrawal from other countries in Africa against the backdrop of increasing voices rejecting its presence.
2024, Mar 11, 3:01 pm

The rise in food prices and the collapse of purchasing power deepen the wounds of Libyans

The purchasing power of citizens in Libya is suffering from successive collapses in parallel with the rise in food prices, which increases the pressure on the population living under the weight of an ongoing war.
2024, Mar 11, 2:33 pm

African-Israeli Relations: The Strategy of Deep Influence

South Africa’s lawsuit against Israel has exposed the complex relations between Tel Aviv and the African continent, putting Israeli efforts for decades to the test of shifting African positions.
2024, Mar 11, 2:08 pm

Historic agreement in Libya..Unified government and technical committee to reform electoral laws

The heads of Libya’s parliament, state and presidential chambers reached an agreement that could pave the way for ending the state of division during a meeting in Cairo under the auspices of the Arab League.
2024, Mar 11, 1:21 pm

Women’s demonstrations in Morocco in solidarity with Palestinian women in Gaza (video and photos)

Several Moroccan cities, such as Casablanca, Agadir, and Tangier, witnessed women’s demonstrations on Sunday to demand the protection of Palestinian women in the Gaza Strip from Israeli aggression.
2024, Mar 11, 12:13 pm

Morocco initiates aerial humanitarian aid drops in northern Gaza

The Israeli public broadcaster “Kan” reported that Morocco will begin on Monday airdrops of aid on northern Gaza, and that full coordination has been made with Israel to conduct the landing operation on the first day of Ramadan.
2024, Mar 11, 11:59 am

Qatari airlift bridge for aid to Sudan throughout Ramadan

The State of Qatar announced the resumption of the humanitarian airlift with Sudan, which will continue throughout the month of Ramadan with the aim of mitigating the repercussions of the humanitarian crisis experienced by the Sudanese people.
2024, Mar 11, 11:38 am